"Five hours?" you say, "Well, you must have gotten a lot accomplished". Yes, you'd think so wouldn't you? And I suppose we did...but for Steampunk World's Fair, not Wicked Faire (less than a month away!!). So in the end, no, not really all that much was accomplished.
- We determined that I look awful in pink and peach, which is very true.
- We determined that we're both way more into Steampunk costumes right now than anything else.
- We unintentionally managed to do a pirate/ninja costume pairing. I'm pretty excited about this.
- We scrapped the fairy tale/doll outfits, which means one less outfit for me to make.
- I ordered shoes for my fairy costume. And found a pair of serviceable ears that I'll order this weekend.
I do have a bit of a game-plan in place for WF 2015:
I'm definitely making a dress for the Masquerade dance, which is going to be a fantasy-style dress rather than anything even remotely historical, and the fairy costume, which is really just a chiton and some wings. And I'll be re-purposing my Turkish pirate outfit, but making a new bodice for it. Sounds doable for one month prep time.
We high-tailed it to the fabric store and hunted around for suitable fabric, in keeping with the day's theme, not much was actually purchased for WF.
She found a fabulous home decor print to make a portion of one of her Steampunk outfits.
I found a bit of printed linen in the red-tag section that might be useful for the fairy fabric if I can get the linen bits to dye and the print to stay undyed. I bought a sample for testing.
I bought an absolutely gorgeous teal crocodile print vinyl to make a belt for my masquerade dress. I'm calling it my dragon scale belt and it will be fabulous! I'm the most excited about this little bit of fabric.