Wicked Faire 2015 Planning
I had a meeting last night with a friend to discuss SPWF15. I say meeting because I’m a planner and she’s a planner and we’re trying to get our schedules squared away for this event. Also there were print-outs and manila folders. Totally a meeting. I am a grown up.
So we had dinner and talked SPWF. We got ourselves a rough idea of what we want to attend based on the limited schedule that’s available (...everything) and talked costume ideas and personas...and then we got off topic.
Or more specifically, we got on to the topic of Wicked Faire and then things got interesting.
Wicked Faire is an indoor Renaissance Faire that takes place in the winter. I’ve been wanting to go for a few years but, like SPWF, I've never had anyone to go with and haven’t been able to justify it. But now I have a friend who shares my “any excuse for a costume” philosophy.
So I brought up Wicked Faire, knowing full well that she’d be totally into it and now we’re going. Hotel room is booked. It’s official.
Of course, this means that I now have a whole new set of costumes to design, shop for, and execute.
Oh, and did I mention it’s in a month? Because it’s totally in a month.
And I’m me, so naturally any excuse to wear a costume means any excuse to make a costume, specifically at least one for each day I’ll be there, maybe more than one each day. Because I’m crazy like that.
Wicked Faire isn’t bound by time or place, so I’ve got a lot of freedom with costuming, which is awesome because I can make whatever I want, but it’s also bad because I need something cohesive. And it’s in a month. Oh. My. God.
Now, a smart person would probably just reuse a costume...or several...but I’m not clearly not smart. I really want to wear my Turkish pirate outfit, so I will probably wear that for part of a day, but I also definitely want to do a fairy outfit, and I need a ball gown for the masquerade ball (how do I not have a ball gown??)
So that’s the new plan. Design and create THREE new costumes by February 20th for Wicked Faire, revisit Steampunk World’s Fair when I’ve finished those.
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