Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Change of Plans or Full Steam Ahead

Due to unforeseen circumstances I'm not able to go to Wicked Faire.  It's probably for the best since I wasn't really into the designs I'd come up with and now I'll have more time to get something together that I'll really be excited about.

Plus now I can get started on my Steampunk World's Fair outfits!

Initial planning is fully underway and I have a reasonable amount of time to execute.

We're planning to head up on Thursday night and then stay through the weekend, which means I'll need several costumes.  My initial thought is to do some multicultural/cultural fusion outfits.  I have a background in anthropology and an absurd love for kimono that I never get to wear.  And it is Steampunk World's Fair after all, I feel the need to bring that into my outfits.

I have some inspiration boards on Pinterest for my ideas.  Definitely going to use some of my kimono, though I'm likely going to need to modify them for the shape I'm going for.  I'm also going to try to something with sari fabric, though not a traditional sari wrap.

Full steam ahead!

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